[Prisma] Notes on Prisma + Docker
This is a documentation as a result of trying out https://github.com/prisma/prisma#quickstart Some notes on Prisma commands: docker-compose up -d : 'compose' starts the YAML file that configures your application's services. Can be used to run multiple containers at once. (YAML file: docker-compose.yml) docker-compose down: stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes and images created by 'up' prisma deploy : prisma playground Some notes on postgres \l : show database \dt : show tables Accessing database (created by prisma) 1. docker ps -a (to get list of docker containers history) 2. Find the container with 'IMAGE' of postgres or mysql and remember its container id. 3. docker exec -it <container id> sh (attach onto docker container) 4. psql -d postgres -U prisma -W 5. Enter pw - usually 'prisma' 6. \dt default$default. (to see all the tables in schema default$default) 7. select * from default$default....