
Showing posts from January, 2019

[Redis] Quick Start to Redis

Officially, Redis is not supported on Windows. There is, however, a 3.2.1 version of Redis that was ported to Windows by MSOpenTech. Here, I will show you how to get a redis instance running very quickly. If you want a more stable implementation, please read from 1. Download Redis MSOpenTech has support for 3.2.1 of Redis.  Download the zip from 2. Running Redis Server + Cli Unzip the downloaded zip, and run redis-server.exe Then, run redis-cli.exe In the cli, you should enter and expect:> get foo (nil)> set foo 123 OK> get foo "123" 3. Accessing Redis Server from Python and Ruby Script Python: 1. install redis (pip install redis) 2. Run script: import redis r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) print("Setting bar to key, foo")...