[Java] Maven Archetype and pom.xml
1 - Project Template Archetype are project templates that can be generated for use. To begin, run: mvn archetype:generate Then, the cmd will prompt you for: Archetype project templates - eg. web applications, JavaEE projects, Hiberate, Spring Group Id Uniquely identifies your project across all projects Eg. org.apache.maven or org.apache.maven.reporting Artifact Id Name your jar (or output) Version Usually looks like 1.0 or 1.1.1 SNAPSHOT are nightly builds; meaning not released/in-development RELEASE means released. Avoid using dates Packaging The project's packaging; in other words, the output file By default, it will be jar (if none specified) Valid values: pom, maven-plugin, ejb, ear, rar, war, jar Once done, it will generate a seed maven project. 2 - pom.xml (Basic) Basic Structure of pom.xml is: maven coordinates defining the maven project metadata build information resources and dependencies 2.1 - Dependencies Most ...