[Pragmatic Thinking & Learning Notes] Chapter 1 Summary


# of bugs programmers product in code remained constant for last 40 years despite technological advancement, programming languages, techniques, methodologies and so on.

Perhaps we are focusing on the wrong places?

Point #1: Software is created in your head, not IDE or other tools.

In a paper by Federick Brooks, he says - "the Software Product is embedded in a cultural matrix of applications, users, laws, and machine vehicles. These all change continually, and their change inexorably force change upon the software product".

We (developers) are at the center of society advancement. Thus, two most important modern skills are:
  • Communication skills:
    • Example: Agile methods improving communication skills between team members, managers and consumers
  • Learning and Thinking skills.
    • Learn constantly - not just technology, but also the context of the software, industry trends, and people.
Point #2: Two most important modern skills are communication skills & Learning and Thinking skills

1.1 Pragmatic

Pragmatic means that it works.
People are different; works for others =/= works for you.
You will need to modify your habit and approaches.

Point #3: Only dead fish go with the flow.

1.2 Context

Everything is connected: physical world, social systems, your inner thought,. 
Nothing is disconnected; everything is connected to a system, something larger.

As a results, small things can make a huge difference. 

Point #4: Always consider the context.


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