[Java] Volatile

1) Volatile

  • Used as an indicator to Java Compiler and Thread to not cache value of this variable and always read it from the main memory.
  • In multi-threaded environment, threads might cache variables locally. Volatile (or synchronization) ensures the variable is read from main memory.
  • Makes variable atomic by implementation. 
  • Only possible with variables; cannot be used with method or class (illegal operation)
  • Guarantees visibility and ordering; write to any volatile variable happens before any read.
  • Prevents compiler or JVM form reordering code or moving away them away form synchronization barrier. 

2) Example

private boolean bExit;
while(!bExit) {

  • The focus here is the variable, bExit. 
  • One Thread (Game Thread) can cache the value of bExit instead of getting it form main memory everytime. If in between, any other thread (Event handler thread) changes the value; it would be not be visible to the GameThread.
  • Making bExit volatile in Java ensures this will not happen.

3) When to use Volatile?
3.1) Nonatomic 64-bit operations

In Java 64-bit, long and double values are treated as two 32-bit values. This means, a 64-bit write operation is basically performed as two separate 32-bit operations.
When you want to read/write long and double variable atomically, you should use volatile.

3.2) Less overhead version of synchronization

Ensures atomicity of variable without using synchronization (which has more overhead); explained more later.

3.3) Informs Compiler

Inform compiler a variable is subjected to be accessed by multiple threads, which prevents compiler from reordering or making undesired optimizations.

3.4) Double Checked Locking (Singleton Pattern)

4) Important points on Volatile

  • Read/Writes are atomic for most reference variable and most primitive variables (except long and double) even without use of volatile keyword.
  • Volatile variable don't block, since we are only doing simple read/write.
  • Java volatile variable can be null.
  • Volatile =/= atomic. For example, volatile++ is not atomic; to make operation atomic, you will need to ensure exclusive access using synchronized method/block in Java.
  • If variable is not shared between threads, volatile is not necessary.

5) Synchronized vs Volatile

  • Volatile is field modifier while synchronized modifies code blocks and methods.
  • Synchronized block, but volatile doesn't; thus, more performance impacting.
  • Synchronized have more overhead than volatile, because it synchronizes the value of all variables between thread memory and main memory. Whereas volatile synchronizes only one variable.



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