[Node.js] Intro to Node.js
1) What is Node.js?
- JavaScript without browser (eg. server-side scripting, scripting); represents "Javascript Everywhere"
- Unifying web application development around a single programming language (rather than different languages for server and client side)
- Event-driven, non-blocking I/O model - lightweight & efficient.
- Package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open-source libraries in the world.
- Open source (free)
- Built on Chrome's V8 Javascript engine
- Is "fast" because it uses small amount of threads to handle many clients via asynchronous calls. However, it is only effective if each work/task is small.
2) Javascript background
Generally considered an Interpreted language, but modern Javascript engines compiles it as well (since 2009). Javascript internally compiled by V8 with just-in-time (JIT) compilation to speed up execution. While it might take a bit more to have Javascript ready, once done, it's more performant than purely interpreted code.3) Confusion - Single or Multi Threaded?
Javascript is single or multi-threaded? This is often confusing.Firstly, putting aside multi-threading/processing (via worker threads and clustering), the NodeJS stack/environment only have 1 execution of javascript and that runs on 1 thread; which is the single-threaded event loop. But, there are other threads (managed by libuv) in NodeJS that handles asynchronous operations, most famously the I/O operations. This is what makes NodeJS multi-threaded. A more in-depth comment is these asynchronous operations happen only when we call a library that utilizes them; more will be explained in another post.
In short, there is only 1 execution of javascript, but there are other threads running in the NodeJS stack/environment to make it more asynchronous.
Secondly, multi-threading and processing via worker threads and clustering makes it more 'multi-threaded'. Note that the only way to make > 1 instances of javascript running is to do multi-processing.
3.1) Libuv
Libuv is a C++ library that provides support for asynchronous I/O based on event loops. It is capable of multi-threading. Node.js uses libuv to operate single-threaded event loop and worker threads.Without libuv, NodeJS is just a synchronous Javascript execution.
3.2) Single-threaded event loop
While the event loop is single-threaded, I/O operations are actually delegated to libuv from the event loop. When I/O operation are completed in libuv, it runs the callback waiting on this event and pushes it back to the main thread.Under the hood, libuv by default creates a thread pool with 4 threads to offload asynchronous work to. Today's OS already provide asynchronous interfaces for many I/O tasks (including access to third-party systems, like database). Whenever possible, libuv will use those async interfaces, avoiding the usage of thread pool.
3.3) Worker threads
Separate threads used to compute CPU-intensive tasks, because if used in event loop, it will block the entire event loop.Resource:
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