[Node.js] Single-threaded Event Loop

1) A simple analogy

What is single-threaded event loop? Hope the following analogy of a doctor visit will help you! For this analogy, we are doing comparison in context of server-side web architectures.

In a traditional thread-model, when you get to a receptionist, you stand and fill out your form for as long as it takes. While you are filling out your form, the receptionist just sits and wait for you; unable to serve other people behind you.

The only way to scale is to add more receptionists, which is costly - both in terms of labor cost and room allocation for the receptionist to sit.

In an event-based system (which is what single-threaded event loop relies on), when you get to the receptionist, you are given a form to fill and told to come back after you have completed it. You sit down and fill the form as the receptionist helps the next period in line. You are not blocking the receptionist from serving the next person.

When you are done, you line up again and hand in your form. If you have done something wrong, you repeat the earlier steps again. 

This system is more scalable (in fact, used in most doctor's visit). You can further increase performance by adding an additional receptionist. 

2) Problems NodeJS is trying to fix (via Event loop)

There are 2 main problems with the traditional multi-threaded client-per-connection server model that NodeJS attempts to solve:

2.1) I/O operations are expensive

More importantly, it's a waste of cpu cycles as it's waiting because it is not really doing anything. NodeJS' approach is to use asynchronous I/O operations via callbacks/promises/async&await.

2.2) Thread-per-connection is memory-expensive

Apache is multi-threaded and spawn thread per request. The problem is that it eats up the memories as the number of concurrent connections increase. Nginx and NodeJS are not multi-threaded, because threads (and processes) can carry a heavy memory cost. They are single-threaded, but event-based. This also eliminates the overhead of creating thousands of threads.

3) 8 Phases of Event Loop Cycle

To begin with, I will talk about the 6 phases of event loop and explain the last 2 later on. Each phase is associated with a queue of callbacks. That is the queue nodeJS will read from for a given phase.
  1. Timers
    1. Reads from a minMax heap of timer callbacks.
    2. Execute callbacks via setTimeout()[start after some ms] or setInterval()[repeat the callback after some ms.
  2. Pending Callbacks (called 'IO callbacks' in diagram)
    1. Callbacks from this queue are pushed from other phases.
    2. For example, if you try to write something in a TCP handler and the work is done, then the callback is pushed in this queue. 
  3. Idle, Prepare (Not showing in diagram, but exists)
    1. Only used internally.
  4. Check (or Polling) 
    1. Let's assume the queue for this phase is "watch_queue"
    2. If there is something in the "watch_queue", the callbacks are executed synchronously one after another until the queue is empty (or until system specific max limit).
    3. Else (if watch_queue is empty), nodeJS in this phase will wait for new connections/events. The time to 'wait' depends on various factors. 
  5. Set Immediate (or Check)
    1. Callbacks via setImmediate()
  6. Close Events
    1. All .on('close') event callbacks.

3.1) Diagram

3.2) Intermediate Queues

  • Additional to the 6 phases explained, there are 2 phase/queues called "nextTickQueue" and "microTaskQueue". As soon as one phase is completed, it will check these 2 (intermediate) phases and process them. 
  • nextTickQueue happens before microTaskQueue.
  • The actual flow is actually: Timer -> nextTickQueue -> microTaskQueue -> Pending -> nextTickQueue -> microTaskQueue -> Idle, Prepare -> ...etc

3.2.1) nextTickQueue

  • Callbacks added using process.nextTick function.

3.2.2) microTaskQueue

  • Callbacks as a result of resolved (native) promises.
  • However, if you are using a library promise, such as q or bluebird, you will observe an entirely different result (because they are not native).





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