[Node.js] Why choose NodeJS (over other languages)?

1) What is NodeJS designed for?

NodeJS was designed to create real-time websites with push capability (similar to Gmail). That is why NodeJS works as a non-blocking, event-driven I/O platform.

1.1) I/O-based vs CPU-based Operations

  • Awesome at I/O-based operations 
    • As long as there's an asynchronous library supporting it - which they usually do.
    • Save the computing time for context switching between threads.
    • Don't need to worry about threading (or running out of resources of it) or too many client requests.
    • Good at concurrent connections that have I/O operations.
  • Horrible at CPU-based operations
    • It's important to understand that simple calculations, such as sorting or traversing an array, can be 'heavy' because you are utilizing 1 thread for potentially thousands of client requests.
    • Remember, you only have 1 thread of the event loop. So if you have 1 bad request can block your entire event loop!
    • Worker threads is NodeJS' approach for CPU-intensive tasks. But there has not been a stable version yet.
    • Creating processes is possible, but also more expensive (than if you did multi-threading in a threading language) and hard to communicate with each other.

1.2) IDE & Libraries

  • IDE not as great as mature programming languages, such as Java.
  • 3rd party libraries are not as great, such as relational database-related ones - when you compare it with rails, it comes with already matured Data Mapper, Active Record data access layer, db schema migrations support tools.etc.

1.3) Easy vs Hard language to code 

  • Easy to Pick up
    • Low learning curve - Javascript is easy to pick up because there's so much less things to care about: no threading, dynamic and weakly-typed data structure, everything is in JSON (no class definitions required)...
  • Agreement of Syntax
    • A 'easy' programming language is a double-edged sword. For example, should a defined variable equals to true when we are doing '=='? There are dangers in allowing that.
    • There has been many recent changes in Javascript API in the recent years, such as callbacks vs promises vs async/await. Your team will need to agree with the programming style of Javascript!
  • Poor quality code
    • Javascript is so 'easy' such that you can write really really bad code and it will still work. It is great if you're working on a small project quickly. But it sucks if you are working in a team, especially if this is a product that will live on.
  • Development Speed + JSON-support
    • If you are writing a web application, I think this is super important. In comparison to Java, where JSON serialization is a pain, javascript does this super well.

1.4) Javascript Everywhere

  • Most frontend developers already know Javascript. NodeJS is basically Javascript for server-side. It will be easy to convert a frontend developer to a FullStack for your backend programs.

1.5) Scaling Performance

  • Assuming you are writing a server-side web application, since you are not creating threads/client request, you only need to scale if you are getting a large number of requests.
  • Unfortunately, there are not too many good ways to scale:
    • Multi-threading via worker threads is an experimental module at the moment.
    • Multi-Processing via clustering is relatively expensive (compared to multi-threading - which you can do in other languages). 
  • That being said, you can always use a load balancer.

1.6) Large and Active Community

  • NodeJS has a large and active community of developers creating solutions and libraries on Github. 

2) Good use cases of NodeJS

Anything that is a pick-and-pass along, such as:
  • Chat
    • Pick up from one client and pass to the rest of clients in the channel.
  • Object Database
    • You don't need to worry about converting objects/serialization to JSON when sending results over HTTP.
  • Working with Messaging Queue
    • NodeJS is really good at handling concurrent connections. Since we are not creating threads for each client request, we can handle acknowledgements for messaging queue without much resources.
  • Data Streaming
  • Proxy
  • Dashboard

3) Conclusion

NodeJS is NOT a silver bullet - despite all the pros or cons, it highly dependent on your use case and expectations.

Some things that are for sure (or you should consider) are:
  • It was never created to compute CPU-intensive problems. 
  • It is great at web applications where each request does not take long to compute (I/O operations are asynchronous/unblocked, so it can be considered almost-zero compute time).
    • Traversing an array is debatable, depending on size of array and how many client requests are you processing.
  • 3rd Party library/IDE/Programming language issues - honestly, these are not a big problem as long as you have time and someone is reinforcing it in the team.


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