[Redis] Transactions

1) Overview

Redis transactions allow a group of commands to be executed sequentially; avoiding the problem of race conditions. It is not possible that a request issued by another client is executed in the middle of the execution of a Redis transaction. Additionally, Redis transactions are atomic, meaning either all of the commands or none are processed.

2) Implementation

A transaction follows the format of:
<your command(s)>
Any commands you enter between multi--exec are queued. 

2.1) Example> multi> set num 10> incrby num 10> exec
(integer) 20

2.2) Discard Example

If you want to cancel your transaction while using the redis-cli, you can just enter discard.> multi> set num 10> incrby num 10> discard

3) Errors inside a transaction

There are two types of error that can happen during a transaction:

3.1) Before EXEC

A command may fail to be queued. For example, the command may be syntactically wrong (wrong # of arguments, name.etc). Starting with Redis 2.6.5, server will refuse the entire transaction if a before-exec error happens.

3.2) After EXEC

A command may fail after exec is called, for example, if the key we are performing operation on is wrong. Unfortunately, there is no special way to handle this: even if some commands fails, the other commands will be executed.

3.2.1) Example> multi
OK> set a 1
QUEUED> set b 2
QUEUED> lpop a
QUEUED> exec
1) OK
2) OK
3) (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value> get a
"1"> get b

4) Rollbacks

It may be odd that Redis does not roll back when commands fail during a transaction. But here are some good reasons for that:

  • Redis commands can fail only if it is called with a wrong syntax, or against keys holding the wrong data type. This means that these failures are a result of programming errors and should be detected during development. 
  • Redis is internally simplified and faster because it does not need the ability to roll back.

5) Check-and-set

WATCH is the command to do a check-and-set transaction. Watch are often used with multi-exec to ensure that a variable did not change since the moment we 'watched' it. If no such change occured, then we run out transaction. If there are changes, then the entire transaction aborts and EXEC returns a null response.

For example:> watch test1
OK> set test1
OK> multi
OK> get test1
QUEUED> exec

5.1) WATCH - Solving race conditions

The code below works perfectly with a single client. However, if multiple clients try to increment the key about the same time, then there'll be a race condition - the variable, val, can be incremented multiple times before being set to mykey.
val = GET mykey
val = val + 1
SET mykey $val

Thankfully, we can fix this using the WATCH method. The only difference here is WATCH, MULTI-EXEC are used.
watch mykey
val = GET mykey
val = val + 1
SET $val

5.2) UNWATCHed

Whenever a EXEC is called, all keys are UNWATCHED: meaning that are no longer being 'watched'/monitored.

6) Redis Scripting and Transactions

A Redis script is transaction by definition, meaning that everything you can do in a transaction, you can do it with a script; and is usually simpler and faster.



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