[Threading - Java] Future and FutureTask

1) Overview

  • Future interface provides method to check if computation is complete, wait for completion and retrieve the results of the computation. 
  • The result is retrieved using Future's get() method if computation is completed. If it is not, then it blocks until it is completed.
  • FutureTask is an implementation of Future interface and RunnableFuture Interface - you can use FutureTask as Runnable to be submitted to ExecutorService.

2) Example

Create two task. After one is completely executed, then after waiting 2000ms, second task starts.


FutureTask1 output=FutureTask1 is complete
Waiting for FutureTask2 to complete
Waiting for FutureTask2 to complete
Waiting for FutureTask2 to complete
Waiting for FutureTask2 to complete
FutureTask2 output=FutureTask2 is complete
Both FutureTask Complete



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