
Showing posts from November, 2019

[webapp] Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Although you may not notice it, the web pages you visit make frequent requests to load assets like images, fonts, and more, from many different places across the Internet. If these requests for assets go unchecked, the security of your browser may be at risk. For example, your browser may be subject to hijacking, or your browser might blindly download malicious code. As a result, many modern browsers follow security policies to mitigate such risks. Security Policy Servers are used to host web pages, images.etc. When you use a web browser, you are likely attempting to access a distinct website (hosted on a server). Websites often request these hosted resources from different locations (servers) on the Internet. Security policies on servers mitigate the risks associated with requesting assets hosted on different server. Let’s take a look at an example of a security policy: same-origin . The same-origin policy is very restrictive. Under this policy, a document (i.e., like a web page) ho...

[CV] OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

What is OCR (Optical Character Recognition)? OCR is a tool to allow computers to recognize the text from physical documents to be interpreted as data. When we read text on a document, whether it’s on physical paper or on the computer screen, we instantly know what letter or other symbols it is. However, for computers, it’s a little more complicated. Certain programs use OCR to allow you to edit the text from the scanned document like you would in a word processor. You can highlight text, copy it to other documents or rewrite whole sections. Another use for OCR is to make full-text searching a possibility. Some OCR programs will add the text recognized from a scanned document as metadata to the file, allowing certain programs to search for the document using any text contained within the document. Applications Widely used as a form of information entry from printed paper data records – whether passport documents, invoices, bank statements , computerized receipts, business cards,...

[CV] Performance Factors

CNN Performance Factors It is very hard to have a fair comparison among different object detectors. There is no straight answer on which model is the best. For real-life applications, we make choices to balance accuracy and speed. Besides the detector types, we need to aware of other choices that impact the performance: 1) Feature Extractors (VGG16, ResNet, Inception, MobileNet) Feature extraction is a process of dimensionality reduction by which an initial set of raw data is reduced to more manageable groups for processing. Feature extraction is the name for methods that select and/or combine variables into features, effectively reducing the amount of data that must be processed, while still accurately and completely describing the original data set. A CNN is composed of two basic parts of feature extraction and classification . Feature extraction includes several convolution layers followed by max-pooling and an activation function. The classifier usually consists of fully c...